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C# was developed from the ground up to serve as the main language for Microsoft's new .NET framework--and to compete with Java. C# Web Development for ASP.NET: Visual QuickStart Guide is aimed at beginning developers who may have experience with scripting languages but are not necessarily experienced with object-oriented languages. Using task-based examples and hundreds of screenshots, all code examples are presented in the context of ASP.NET development, aimed at Web developers. While C# Web Development for ASP.NET: Visual QuickStart Guide does not attempt to teach everything about the .NET Framework, it clearly explains all you need to know to get up and running with the C# language.
1. Getting Started.
Getting C#. Installing Internet Information Services (IIS). Creating a Web Project with VS.NET. Debugging Web Projects with VS. NET. Writing a Simple ASP.NET Page. Debugging ASP.NET Applications. Running the Compiler Manually. Compiling C# Programs without VS. NET. Debugging Applications Outside VS. NET.
Working with C# Building Blocks. Writing C# Code. Declaring Variables. Defining Constants. Grouping Constants into Enumerated Types. Declaring Functions. Declaring Functions with Parameters. Returning Function Values. Defining a Class. Adding Classes to the Sample Application. Creating and Using Objects. Creating Objects in the Sample Application. Class Definitions from Outside Sources. Grouping Classes into Namespaces. Adding Fields to Classes. Initializing Fields in Place. Adding Properties to Classes. Adding Methods to Classes. Adding Members to the Classes. Completing the Sample Application. Adding Comments. Parameter Direction for Reference Types.
Working with Loops and Conditionals. Comparing Numeric Types. Comparing Reference Types. Combining Test Clauses. Writing if-else Statements. Testing Multiple Conditions with switch. Conditional Operator. Adding Conditional Statements. Using while Loops. Using do Loops. Using for Loops. Exiting and Continuing Loops. Adding Loops to the Sample Program.
Preparing your Machine to Work with Strings. Working with Strings. Initializing Strings. Comparing Strings. Concatenating Strings. Finding the String Length. Comparing and Concatenating Strings. Creating Strings from Characters. Using Escape Characters. Using Literal Strings. Accessing the String's Characters. Finding a Substring within a String. Extracting Part of the String. Splitting a String. Joining a String. Uppercasing and Lowercasing. Formatting Strings. Finishing the Sample Application. Representing Objects as Strings. Allocating Strings with StringBuilder.
Working with Class Inheritance. Inheriting a Class from Another. Exposing and Restricting Access to Members. Enhancing the Sample Application. Hiding Methods from the Base Class. Overriding Functions in a Derived Class. Adding a Generic Button. Using the Generic Button. Adding Functions that Must be Overridden. Requiring Inheritance. Blocking Inheritance.
Adding Functions with the Same Name. Variable Number of Parameters. Adding Constructors. Invoking Base Constructors. Adding Finalizers. Building Code Libraries with Static Members. Redefining the Meaning of Operators. Redefining Equality by Overriding ==. Redefing Equality by Overriding Equals. Working with Special Members.
Working with Types. Obtaining a Class's Type. Obtaining a Class's Type. Testing for Type Compatibility. Converting From One Type to Another. Extending the Sample Application. Defining Casting Rules.
Working with Interfaces. Defining Interfaces. Implementing Interface Members Implicitly. Implementing Interface Members Explicitly. Enhancing the Sample Application. Using Objects through Interfaces. Interface Discovery. Using Interfaces for Polymorphism. Deriving One Interface from Another. Refactoring. Re-Implementing Interfaces in a Derived Class. Finishing the Sample Application.
Working with Arrays and Collections. Creating Arrays of Valuetypes. Creating Arrays of Reference Types. Navigating through the Array. Initializing Array Elements in Place. Creating Multi-Dimensional Arrays. Enhancing the Sample Application. Finding Array Elements Using Linear Searches. Sorting Arrays. Finding Array Elements Using Binary Searches. Making Classes Behave Like Arrays. Adding Indexers to the Sample Application. Copying an Array. Creating Dynamic Lists. Creating Dynamic Lists. Creating Queues. Creating Stacks. Creating Hashtables. Navigating through Hashtables. Finishing the Sample Application. Testing the CodeGridWebControl.
Working with Delegates and Events. Declaring a Delegate. Creating and Invoking Delegates. Combining Delegates. Removing Delegates. Declaring and Firing Events. Adding Events that are Web Friendly. Subscribing to Events. Firing Delegates Asynchronous. Waiting for Asynchronous Delegates. Asynchronous Delegates Results. Finishing the Sample Application.
Working with Exceptions. Catching Exceptions. Catching Specific Exceptions. Obtaining Exception Information. Working with Exception Chains. Declaring Your Own Exceptions. Setting the Error Message. Generating an Exception. Catching and Re-throwing Exceptions. Building an Exception Chain. Adding Code That Executes Before. Using using. Adding Form Security. Handling Unhandled Errors.
Working with Reflection and Attributes. Identifying an Assembly. Working with Display Names. Working with Path Strings. Loading a Program with a Display String. Loading a Program with a Path String. Instantiating a Class in the Assembly. Enumerating Through the Classes. Listing the Members of a Class. Setting or Getting a Field Dynamically. Invoking a Method Dynamically. Completing Task One. Applying Attributes to Code. Defining Attributes. Searching Code for Attributes. Completing Task Two.
Creating a Dll Project with Visual Studio.NET. Referencing and Executing DLL Code. Making DLLs Globally Available. Creating Web Services. Consuming Web Services.