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Each chapter is a special tutorial based project.
Allows students to quickly jump right in and begin creating.
Teaches students to think creatively.
Macromedia Flash 4 was the standard for web animation and interactivity, and Flash 5 contained improvements in content creation, interactivity, and portability. Those designers not currently using Flash will find version 5 a must-have product and they will need a professional tutorial approach on how to maximize their use of Flash 5. The authors present two dozen projects created with Macromedia Flash 5, all designed to show of the considerable power and flexibility of the program.
ActionScript Prototyping and Inheritance
Creating a Smart Clip Calendar Control in Flash
Flash Usability: 25 Tips for Better Websites
Integrating Flash and QuickTime Video
Scrolling Dimensional Perspective
Ten Sound Tips for Flash Users
Working with the Color Object and Cursors
Click below for Sample Chapter related to this title:
1. Integrating Flash and QuickTime Video.Importing QuickTime into Flash. Adding Flash Playback Controls. Incorporating Subtitles. Publishing the Movie. How It Works.
2. Printing with Flash.Preparing Frames for Printing. Determining the Print Area. Creating Print Buttons. How It Works.
3. Creating a Smart Clip Calendar Control.Scripting the Calendar. Preparing a Custom User Interface. Moving from Movie Clip to Smart Clip. Setting Smart Clip Parameters. How It Works.
4. Using External Script Files and the Debugger.Using the #include Directive. Creating External Scripts. Diagnosing Errors with the Debugger Panel. How It Works.
5. Working with Arrays.Positioning One- and Two-Dimensional Arrays. Creating Question and Answer Arrays. Randomizing an Array. How It Work.
6. Handling Keyboard Input.Placing the Letters. Creating the Key Captures for All the Letters. Creating a Lookup Array. How It Works.
7. A Modular Approach to Programming Games.Initializing the Game. Trapping Keys for the Standalone Player. Setting Variables. Setting Up Keyboard-Controlled Steering. How It Works.
8. Programming with Trigonometry.Using Trigonometry to Calculate Movement. Using Cosine and Sine Functions. Using Screen Wrapping. How It Works.
9. Programming the Collision Detection of Multiple Projectiles.Preparing for Associative Arrays. Duplicating Bubbles and Associating Them to an Array. Moving the Bubbles. Inserting the ActionScript for the Actual Collision Detection. Reusing Code. How It Works.
10. Working with the Color Object and Cursors.Initializing the Paint Program. Creating the Sliding Color Chooser. Scripting the Tool Buttons. Scripting the Paint Tools. How It Works.
11. Creating Scripted Animations.Using ActionScript to Make an Object Zoom In and Out. Setting Up Rotation Upon Command. Using ActionScript to Tint a Movie Clip. Creating a Random Background Animation. How It Works.
12. Using Shared Libraries to Manage Assets.Designing a Shared Library. Setting Up a Shared Library. Adding Shared Symbols to a New File. Replacing Existing Symbols with Shared Ones. How It Works.
13. Working with Form Elements and ASP.Creating a Basic Form in Flash. Creating a Single or Multilined Text Field. Adding the Date Object. Creating Check Boxes. Adding Radio Buttons. Hiding Values in the Dynamic Text Fields. Creating a Drop-Down Box. Creating the Database (ODBC Talk). Creating the ASP Pages. Converting the Files to Work with Cold Fusion and JavaServer Page Servers. How It Works.
14. Working with Functions.Creating a Function for Checking on a Diagonal. Creating Recursive Functions. How It Works.
15. Utilizing XML Data.Examining an XML Fragment. Extracting Data from Parsed XML. Setting Symbol Linkage. Passing Arguments in Function Calls. How It Works.
16. Displaying Dynamic Text and HTML Hyperlinks with Scrolling. Dynamic Text Fields and Variables. Scroll Controls. How It Works.Setting Symbol Linkage Properties. Preventing Movie Clips from Looping. Storing Data in Arrays. Building, Showing, Hiding, and Switching. How It Works.
18. Setting Up Audio Controls.Playing and Stopping Sounds. Rewinding and Pausing on Command. Creating the Speaker Balance Control. Using a Rotating Dial for the Volume Control. How It Works
19. Creating Mouse-Driven Animation Effects.Setting Up the Flash File to Create a Mouse Effect. Initializing the Variables and Duplicating the Movie Clips. Writing a Function to Change the Mouse Effect. Animating the Mouse Effect with ActionScript. Changing Effects On-the-Fly. Setting Up the Mouse Trailer. Initializing Variables for a Pixel Dust Effect. Recording Mouse Speed. How It Works.
20. Using ActionScript to Manipulate Movie Clip Attributes. Creating Random Tiling. Duplicating Tiles to Create Better Random Tiling. Setting Up the Rotation and Alpha Transparency. Restricting an Element to a Quadrant of the Stage. How It Works.VI. DYNAMIK ACTION NEWS.
21. Implementing Database Integration.Integrating Back-End Data: The Whys and Wherefores. Externalizing the Content. Reading an External Text File. Adding Content to an XML Document. Analyzing the ActionScript That Loads, Interprets, and Formats the XML. Tapping into Server-Side Scripts (ASP) with Flash. Understanding Database Design Fundamentals. Making the Flash Architecture Database-Friendly. How It Works.
22. Implementing Complex Database Integration.Understanding the Design of the Data Tables. Understanding the Personalization Process. Examining the Impact on ActionScript. Developing Flash-Based Administration Tools. Integrating with Existing Data Systems. How It Works.
Appendix A: Troubleshooting Tips.Save the Start and Final Files to Your Local Hard Drive. Compare Your Work-in-Progress to the Final File. Understand Comments. Check Your Instance Names and Variable Names. Watch Those Quotation Marks. Keep an Eye on the Timeline. Don't Forget the Semi-Colon. All Things Are Not Created Equal in Flash 5. Use the Check Syntax Command in Expert Mode. Try the Toggle Trick to Test (Can you say that five times real fast?). Get to the Root of the Problem. Watch for Clues in the Colors. Trace Your Steps. More Information, Please! Be Sensitive to the Context-Sensitive Action Window. Conclusion.
Appendix B: Common Programming Terms.System Requirements. Loading the CD Files. Exercise Files. Eyeland Studio Resources. Macromedia Demos.