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Learn Macromedia Flash MX from the absolute beginning through The Flash MX Project. This book begins with web project management concerns and challenges as well as Web design considerations and concepts, and then quickly progresses through beginning and intermediate Flash MX skills. The Flash MX Project is broken up into a collection of hands-on seminars that each focus on teaching a specific aspect of Flash MX. Each seminar begins with a lesson that covers the concepts and techniques contained in that seminar. Then it continues with a Workshop, in which you are taken step-by-step through applying those concepts and techniques to an actual Flash movie. Reflecting the popularity, style, and award-winning innovation of many children's activity web sites, including Crayola and Lego, The Flash MX Project features a fictional children's activity site. If you choose to work through the book cover-to-cover, you will build an entire Flash web site that includes compelling graphics and animation, audio, video, ActionScript-driven activities, games and personalization, and XML-driven forms. However, if you wish to learn a specific aspect of Flash MX, you'll be able to go right to the seminar that covers it, open the source files off of the CD, and pick it right up.
Seminar 4 - Using Symbols in a Movie - PDF - 1.64MB - 0735712832c.pdf
(NOTE: Each chapter concludes with Seminar Summary.)
Seminar 1. Macromedia Flash MX and Web Site Development.
Why Macromedia Flash MX? Anatomy of Macromedia Flash MX and Internet Viewing. Flash MX New Features and Functionality. The Features and Functionality of Flash MX. Integration with Other Applications. Web Project Management and Flash. Workshop: Planning the Movie.
The Macromedia Flash MX Environment. Setting Macromedia Flash Preferences. Workshop: Customizing the Macromedia Flash Environment and Setting Up the Movie Design. Setting Undo Levels in Preferences.
Design Principles. Understanding How Lines and Shapes Interact. Using Tools and Modifiers. Macromedia Flash and Millions of Colors. The Power of Text. Creating and Using Layers. Workshop: Creating the Opening Scene of the Site.
What's So Important About Symbols and Instances? Recycling Objects: The Power of Macromedia Flash MX. Using Symbols in Macromedia Flash MX. Using the Macromedia Flash MX Library. Workshop: Creating the Site Symbols and Stage Instances.
Working with Imported Objects. Using the Import Commands of Macromedia Flash MX. Importing Raster and Vector Images in Macromedia Flash MX. Working with Raster Images. Workshop: Importing Images for Site Activities and the Background.
Overview of Web-Based Animation. Working with the Timeline. Testing Your Movie. What Is Tweening? Using Onion-Skinning. Using a Motion Guide. Workshop: Creating the Opening Stage Animation.
Getting Interactive with the Click of a Button. Testing a Button. Combining Movie Clips with Buttons. Transparent Buttons and Their Use in Macromedia Flash. Actions and ActionScript. Making a Button Functional. Labeling Keyframes for More Dynamic Scripting. Loading Other Movies into the Main Movie. Workshop: Creating the Site Interactivity.
Overview of Components and Their Use in Macromedia Flash. Creating Your Own Component. Forms and Editable Text Fields. Communicating with a Text File or Server-Side Scripts. Workshop: Creating a Form for the About Me Activity.
Overview of Preloader or Gate Page. Creating a Preloader. Using the Bandwidth Profiler. Overview of Scenes. Good ActionScript Practices. Workshop: Using Dynamic Text Fields to Display a Preloader Message.
Overview of ActionScript. Using the onClipEvent Action. Using Advanced Conditionals. Workshop: Using Movie Clips to Create the Matching Activity.
Accessibility in Macromedia Flash MX. Overview of Login Functionality. Workshop: Communicating with The Honeycomb Site Visitor. Making The Honeycomb Site Accessible.
Basics of Sound. Modifying Sounds. Compression and Sound Files. Using a Sound Toggle Button in a Movie. Workshop: Adding Sound to the Site.
Creating Drop-Down Menus Graphically. Using Masks. The Built-In Math Object. Workshop: Enhancing the Site with Masks, Drop-Down.
Creating ActionScript-Based Movement. Workshop: Building the Slider Puzzle Activity.
Importing Video into Macromedia Flash MX Movies. New Movie Clip Event Handlers. Workshop: Creating the In Quest of Ducks Activity.
The Power of the Publish Command. Exporting Your Movie Using the Export Command. Testing the Published Movie. Workshop: Publishing the Site for Internet Access. Book Summary.
Installing Macromedia Flash MX. Installing the Macromedia Flash Player 6.
System Requirements. Loading the CD Files. Exercise Files. Read This Before Opening the Software.
Corrected files for Seminar 16/Samples - 373 kb - Posted 12/13/03 -