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Helps students understand how to build Web sites that reflect their clients' evolving requirements now, and can continue to adapt to change in the future.
Helps students use XHTML, the latest official HTML standard—and thereby prepare for XML, the markup language of the future.
Helps students build more flexible sites that can communicate with site visitors using PDAs, cell phones, and other non-traditional devices.
Helps students build sites for organizations whose markets or audiences reach across geographical boundaries, and take advantage of the Web's accelerating growth outside North America.
Helps students control page formatting and design more effectively, by taking advantage of the improved CSS support and standardization now available on today's most common browsers.
Relies on a format designed to make learning as easy as possible.
Covers everything students need to quickly become productive and effective with HTML 4.
Will remain valuable to students long after they've mastered the fundamentals of HTML 4.
As both the Web and the browsers used to navigate it mature, work-arounds that compensate for the myriad factors that affect Web page appearance no longer cut it. Users expect Web pages to look beautiful regardless--and with the Fifth Edition of this popular Visual QuickStart Guide, you can make your Web pages comply. By following the generously illustrated, step-by-step instructions that are the hallmark of the Visual QuickStart series, you'll create beautiful code that works consistently across browser versions and platforms (including hand-held devices and cell phones) in no time.
This updated edition includes a new section on foreign-language and multilingual Web sites as well as ample coverage on how the use of HTML is changing. What hasn't changed, however, is the book's popular format: Task-oriented, step-by-step instruction that builds on your growing knowledge. Info-packed appendixes, a comprehensive index, and plenty of screen shots and code examples make HTML for the World Wide Web, Fifth Edition, with XHTML and CSS: Visual QuickStart Guide a must-have reference. Whether you're just getting your feet wet (no prior HTML knowledge is required) or design Web sites for a living, you'll turn to this best-selling guide again and again for answers to all of your HTML-related questions.
The Internet, the Web, and HTML. Open but Not Equal. The Browser Wars. The Push for Standards. The Real World. What Should Your Use? How This Books Works. The HTML VQS Web Site.
Markup: Elements, Attributes, and Values. A Web Page's Text Content. Links, Images and Other Non-Text Content. File Names. URLs. HTML vs XHTML. Versions, Flavors, and DOCTYPE. The Default Display of (X)HTML. Adding Style to Your Web Pages. The Cascade: When Rules Collide. A Property's Value.
Designing Your Site. Creating a New Web Page. Saving Your Web Page. About Microsoft Word and Web Pages. Specifying a Default or “Home” Page. Editing Web Pages. Organizing Files. Viewing Your Page in a Browser. The Inspiration of Others.
Starting Your Web Page. Creating the Foundation. Declaring the Encoding. Creating a Title. Creating Section Headers. Starting a New Paragraph. Naming Elements. Breaking Up a Page into Divisions. Creating Inline Spans. Creating a Line Break. Adding Comments. Labeling Elements in a Web Page.
Making Text Bold or Italic. Changing the Size of Text. Using a Monospaced Front. Using Preformatted Text. Quoting Text. Creating Superscripts and Subscripts. Marking Changed Text. Explaining Abbreviations.
About Images for the Web. Getting Images. The Save for Web Command. Making Images Smaller. Creating Transparency. Saving Images with Transparency. Simulating Transparency. Using (Mostly) Browser Safe Colors. Reducing the Number of Colors. Showing Images Progressively. Blurring Images to Aid JPEG Compression. Creating Animated GIFs.
Inserting Images on a Page. Offering Alternate Text. Specifying Size for Speedier Viewing. Scaling an Image. Linking Thumbnails to Images. Making Images Float. Stopping Elements from Wrapping. Adding Space around an Image. Aligning Images. Adding Horizontal Rules.
Creating a Link to Another Web Page. Creating Anchors. Linking to a Specific Anchor. Targeting Links to Specific Windows. Setting the Default Target. Creating Other Kinds of Links. Creating Keyboard Shortcuts for Links. Setting the Tab Order for Links. Using Images to Label Links. Dividing and Image into Clickable Regions. Creating a Client-Side Image Map. Using a Server-Side Image Map.
Constructing a Style Rule. Constructing Selectors. Selecting Elements by Name. Selecting Elements by Class or ID. Selecting Elements by Context. Selecting Link Elements Based on Their State. Selecting Part of an Element. Selecting Elements Based on Attributes. Specifying Groups of Elements. Combining Selectors.
Creating an External Style Sheet. Linking External Style Sheets. Offering Alternate Style Sheets. Creating an Internal Style Sheet. Importing External Style Sheets. Applying Style Locally. The Importance of Location. Adding Comments to Style Rules.
Choosing a Font Family. Embedding Fonts on a Page. Creating Italics. Applying Bold Formatting. Setting the Font Size. Setting the Line Height. Setting All Font Values at Once. Setting the Text Color. Changing the Text's Background. Controlling Spacing. Adding Indents. Setting White Space Properties. Aligning Text. Changing the Text Case. Using Small Caps. Decorating Text.
Structuring Your Pages. The Box Model. Displaying and Hiding Elements. Positioning Elements Absolutely. Affixing an Element to the Browser Window. Offsetting Elements in the Natural Flow. Changing the Background. Changing the Foreground Color. Changing the Cursor. Setting the Border. Adding Padding around an Element. Setting the Margins around an Element. Setting the Height or Width for an Element. Positioning Elements in 3D. Determining Where Overflow Should Go. Making Elements Float. Controlling Where Elements Float. Aligning Elements Vertically.
Using Media-Specific Style Sheets. How Print Style Sheets Differ. Controlling Page Breads. Other Print Specific CSS Properties.
Creating Ordered and Unordered Lists. Choosing Your Markers (Bullets). Choosing Where to Start List Numbering. Using Custom Markers. Controlling Where Markers Hang. Setting All List-Style Properties at Once. Creating Definition Lists. Styling Nested Lists.
Mapping Out Your Page. Creating a Simple Table. Adding a Border. Setting the Width. Centering a Table on the Page. Wrapping Text around a Table. Combining Tables. Aligning a Cell's Contents. Changing the Background. Controlling the Space. Spanning a Cell across Columns. Spanning a Cell across Rows. Dividing Your Table into Column Groups. Dividing the Table into Horizontal Sections. Choosing Which Borders to Display. Controlling Line Breaks in a Cell. Speeding up Table Display.
Creating a Simple Frameset. Creating Frames in Columns. Creating Frames in Rows and Columns. Combining Framesets. Creating an Inline Frame. Adjusting a Frame's Margins. Showing or Hiding Scroll Bars. Adjusting the Color of the Borders. Adjusting the Frame Borders. Keeping Visitors from Resizing Frames. Targeting Links to Particular Frames. Targeting Links to Special Spots. Changing the Default Target. Nesting Framesets. Offering Alternatives to Frames. Embedding Content with Objects. Making Frames More Accessible.
About CGI Scripts. Getting a Script. Using the Scripts Included with This Book. Preparing a Script. Creating a Form. Sending Form Data via E-mail. Using a Form Hosting Service. Creating Text Boxes. Creating Password Boxes. Creating Radio Buttons. Creating Checkboxes. Creating Menus. Creating Larger Text Areas. Allowing Visitors to Upload Files. About Hidden Fields. Adding Hidden Fields to a Form. Creating the Submit Button. Resetting the Form. Using an Image to Submit Data. Organizing the Form Elements. Formally Labeling Form Parts. Setting the Tab Order in a Form. Adding Keyboard Shortcuts. Disabling Form Elements. Keeping Elements from Being Changed.
Of Plugins and Players. Getting Players for Your Visitors. Getting Multimedia Files. Embedding QuickTime Movies. Scaling a QuickTime Movie. Looping a QuickTime Movie. Putting QuickTime Sounds on a Page. Hiding QuickTime Sounds. Embedding Windows Media Player Files. Inserting Java Applets. Embedding Other Multimedia Files. Linking to Multimedia Files. Creating an Automatic Slide Show. Creating a Marquee. Adding Background Sound.
Adding an “Automatic” Script. Calling an External Automatic Script. Triggering a Script. Creating a Button that Executes a Script. Adding Alternate Information. Hiding Scripts from Older Browsers. Hiding Scripts from XML Parsers. Setting the Default Scripting Language.
Adding the Current Date and Time. Changing a Link's Status Label. Changing Multiple Frames with One Link. Keeping Frames in Their Framesets. Changing an Image When a Visitor Points. Loading Images into Cache. Controlling a New Window's Size.
About Character Encodings. Saving Your Page with the Proper Encoding. Editing a Page with the Proper Encoding. Declaring Your Page's Character Encoding. Adding Character from Outside the Encoding. Specifying Your Page's Language.
Choosing Default Characteristics for Text. Formatting Bits of Text. Another Way to Choose Default Colors. Changing the Color of Links. Striking Out or Underlining Text. Making Text Blink.
Using Background Color. Using Background Images. Centering Elements on a Page. Specifying the Margins. Keeping Lines Together. Creating Discretionary Line Breaks. Specifying the Space Between Paragraphs. Creating Indents. Creating Indents (with Lists). Creating Blocks of Space. Using Pixel Shims. Creating Columns. Positioning Elements with Layers.
Preparing Your Sever. Starting Your WML Page. Creating a Card. Creating Basic Content. Including an Image. Creating a Table. Creating a Link. Programming Buttons. Creating Conditional Actions. Scheduling an Action. Making a Call. Setting and Using Variables. Creating Input Boxes. Creating Menus. Processing Data from Visitors. Creating Elements on Multiple Pages. Restricting Access to a Deck. Testing WML Pages.
Validating Your Code. Checking the Easy Stuff: HTML. Checking the Easy Stuff: XHTML. Checking the Easy Stuff: CSS. Testing Your Page. When the Browser Displays the Code. When Images Don't Appear. Differences from Browser to Browser. When Nothing Appears in Netscape 4. Still Stuck?
Finding a Host for Your Site. Getting Your Own Domain Name. Transferring Files to the Server. Transferring Files to AOL.
About Keywords. Explicitly Listing Keywords. Providing a Description of Your Page. Controlling Other Information. Keeping Visitors Away. Keeping Pages from Being Archived. Creating a Crawler Page. Submitting Your Site to a Search Engine. Improving your Ranking by Getting Linked. Writing Pages that Are Easy to Index. Other Techniques for Publicizing Your Site.
(X)HTML Editors. Images and Graphics. Graphics Tools.