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JavaScript is the brains of your Web page—it enables you to modify a document’s structure, styling, and content in response to user actions without requesting new pages from the server. Scriptin' with JavaScript and Ajax teaches you how to master this powerful and elegant language so you can develop intuitive user interactions that take the user experience to new levels of sophistication and responsiveness.
Today’s application-like Web experiences (such as and Google Maps) and Web 2.0 sites (such as and Twitter) are powered by JavaScript and Ajax. Using the techniques shown in this book, you will be able to start creating similar experiences in the sites you design.
Scriptin' with JavaScript and Ajax will teach you how to:
Chapter 1 JavaScript comes of age
Chapter 2 JavaScript Basics
Chapter 3 Objects and the DOM
Chapter 4 Events
Chapter 5 Real World JavaScript
Chapter 6 AJAX
Chapter 7 Frameworks
Appendix A
Appendix B