Reduce Colors options
The Reduce Colors dialog box (Figures 3 and 4) offers you several sets of choices:
Target number of colors: To choose a standard pixel-depth number, use the adjacent pop-up menu. Or type in a non-standard number.
Use Base Palette/Required base palette: This check box is part of a two-step process. Check it if you want the image's palette to include the values of a stand-alone palette you choose via the nearby pop-up menu. This option lets you make sure crucial colors, such as cross-platform Web-safe colors, are kept in the image. For details, see page C-4 of the color insert in the book.
Dither: Check to have DeBabelizer use colors still in the palette to simulate colors eliminated during the reduction. For examples of the resulting dither pattern, see page C-2 of the color insert in the book.
Reduction Method: On Windows you can choose between Fast (but lower quality) or the Higher Quality Palette Method. On the Mac, your choices are controlled by DeBabelizer's Color Reduction Options.
Dithering Options: Use this tab if you want to reset your existing dithering preferences. DeBabelizer will use colors remaining in the palette to simulate colors eliminated during the reduction. For examples of the resulting dither pattern, see page C-2 of the color insert in the book.