- Getting Started
- About Animation
- Understanding the Project File
- Animating Position
- Changing the Pacing and Timing
- Animating Transparency
- Animating Filters
- Animating Transformations
- Changing the Path of the Motion
- Swapping Tween Targets
- Creating Nested Animations
- Easing
- Frame-by-Frame Animation
- Animating 3D Motion
- Testing Your Movie
- Review Questions
- Review Answers
Understanding the Project File
The 04Start.fla file contains a few of the animated elements already or partially completed. Each of the six layers—man, woman, Middle_car, Right_car, footer, and ground—contains an animation. The man and woman layers are in a folder called actors, and the Middle_car and Right_car layers are in a folder called cars.
You’ll be adding more layers to create an animated cityscape, refining the animation of one of the actors, as well as adding a third car and a 3D title. All the necessary graphic elements have been imported into the Library panel. The Stage is set at a generous 1280 pixels by 787 pixels, and the Stage color is black. You might need to choose a different view option to see the entire Stage. Choose View > Magnification > Fit in Window, or choose Fit in Window from the view options at the upper-right corner of the Stage, to view the Stage at a magnification percentage that fits your screen.