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Jeff Schewe on Making a Digital Print
Aug 19, 2013
Once you’ve got your image prepared, it’s just a matter of printing it. Of course, as always, there are some potential roadblocks and technical issues to be aware of. Jeff Schewe shares his tips for getting the most our of your digital prints.
John Deubert’s AcrobatiX: A Color Management Primer
Aug 4, 2011
Color management is a fact of life. Nearly all of the color we see on a computer display is adjusted one way or another before it reaches our eyeballs. Acrobat expert John Deubert looks at the basics of how this adjustment works.
John Deubert’s AcrobatiX: Advanced Text Search in Acrobat X
Jun 6, 2011
Do you need to find out which of the 183 PDF files in your Documents folder contain references to Uncle Henry's Newt Farms? Acrobat's Advanced Search makes it a snap, and author John Deubert shows you how it works.
John Deubert’s AcrobatiX: Exporting PDF to an Image
Jul 6, 2011
Acrobat X enables you to export your PDF pages to a series of images. Why would you want to do that? Author John Deubert explains that sometimes a picture works better than a thousand words.
John Deubert’s AcrobatiX: Movies in PDF Documents
Jun 20, 2011
Have you ever wished your love letter could show a movie right there on the PDF page? Think of it: You on one knee, declaring your love, swearing eternal fealty (or, too often in my case, begging forgiveness). No? Well, fire up your imagination, because author John Deubert shows you how PDF files are really good at video and how it’s so easy to do.
John Deubert’s AcrobatiX: Secrets of Sticky Notes
Jul 18, 2011
May PDF users love sticky notes, those little yellow speech bubbles we scatter throughout a PDF document with comments, carps, and complaints about pages’ contents? PDF expert John Deubert uses them all the time, and it turns out they don’t have to be yellow and they don’t need to be speech bubbles. He shows us how to make our PDF sticky notes stand out.
Jumping Between Lightroom and Photoshop
Apr 28, 2008
Lightroom is pretty darn slick, but sometimes you need to "Photoshop" a photo. There's a reason that Adobe has all of these great tools with different but related features: They work as a family. You can send images back and forth between Lightroom and Photoshop, and Scott Kelby explains how and when to do that.
Keeping Great Color When Emailing or Posting Photos to the Web
Dec 19, 2010
In this excerpt from The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers, Scott Kelby shares a trick that lets anyone you email (or anybody who sees your photos on the Web) see your photos pretty much the same way you do in Photoshop.
Keyword Optimization for Google AdSense
Oct 21, 2005
Eric Giguere shows you how to fine-tune your web page to raise the prominence of specific keywords for the Google AdSense program.
Killer Tips for Working With Color in InDesign CS/CS2
Sep 22, 2006
If you've ever wondered how the InDesign pros get twice the work done in half the time, here's how: They know every inside tip, every hidden keyboard shortcut, and every little trick. They know the smartest, fastest, and most efficient way to do just about everything. In this sample chapter, authors Scott Kelby and Terry White share all the best "tricks of the trade" for working with color in InDesign CS and InDesign CS2.
Landing Pages That Convert Visitors into Buyers
May 7, 2004
Does your current web page lead shoppers down the path to a purchase, or does it let them wander aimlessly around your site? In this chapter top Internet marketer and strategist Catherine Seda outlines the strategy of how to turn poor-performing ad copy into targeted sales-getters, and how you can evaluate and correct low visitor-to-buyer conversions.
Landing the Right Design Career
Mar 5, 2004
Cynthia L. Baron shows you how to research a company and its culture so you can design the perfect digital portfolio.
Layer Basics in Adobe Photoshop CC (2014 release)
Sep 9, 2014
In this excerpt from Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book (2014 release), you will learn how to work with layers in Adobe Photoshop CC.
Layer Basics in Adobe Photoshop CC (2015 release)
Oct 5, 2015
In Photoshop, you can isolate different parts of an image on layers. Each layer can then be edited as discrete artwork, giving you tremendous flexibility as you compose and revise an image. This excerpt from Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book (2015 release) shows you how.
Layer Effects in ImageReady and Photoshop
Feb 26, 2001
Best-selling author Lynda Weinman takes you through a series of exercises that will reveal the power and differences of Layer Effects in ImageReady and Photoshop.
Layer Effects in ImageReady and Photoshop
Apr 1, 2000
Peachpit art
Layer Masking in Photoshop CS4
Apr 14, 2009
When working in Photoshop, you’ll often need to combine multiple images together into a new composite image. Those original images, however, may have backgrounds or objects that you no longer want. This is where Layer Masks come in.
Learn How to Script Adobe Photoshop CS2
Dec 30, 2005
This chapter demonstrates several techniques for creating scripts to use specifically with Adobe Photoshop CS2. More importantly, you'll learn how to use the Adobe Photoshop CS2 scripting references to find the objects, classes, properties, methods, and even some values (called constants or enumerations) you can use to create JavaScripts for Adobe Photoshop CS2.
Lessons in DSLR Workflow: External Preferences
Mar 3, 2009
Lightroom exports image files for editing in external editors like Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. Jerry Courvoisier shows you how to determine your external editor preferences.
Lessons in DSLR Workflow: Photoshop Preferences and Color Settings
Mar 4, 2009
To ensure smooth sailing, you need to visit Photoshop’s Preferences and Color Settings.

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