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Promote Your Brand
Feb 1, 2016
Pursuing a job should be like seeking out a love relationship. You have to know what your goal is, have a strategy to reach that goal, and then execute your plan. It’s great to be wonderful, but if no one else knows your greatness, how will you ever get a design job? Find out in this chapter from Stand Out: Design a personal brand. Build a killer portfolio. Find a great design job.
A Renegade's Guide to Marketing: Volatile Factors
Dec 31, 2015
In this chapter from his book, The CMO's Periodic Table: A Renegade's Guide to Marketing, Drew Neisser shows you how to identify the elements that have high potential to precipitate trouble, making you much more able to handle them like a pro and nip disasters in the bud.
How to Be a Great Marketer in 64 Easy Steps
Dec 2, 2015
Being a marketer in today’s modern age is not easy, with the onslaught of digital and print messages consumers see daily. Drew Neisser, marketer and author of The CMO’s Periodic Table: A Renegade’s Guide to Marketing, introduces you to seven marketing mavens and shares their insights on a range of elements that nearly every aspiring marketer must consider.
The Brand Flip: An Interview with Marty Neumeier
Sep 14, 2015
In this interview with Marty Neumeier, author of The Brand Flip: Why customers now run companies and how to profit from it, Marty talks about brand tribes, the onlyness test, and his favorite brand disaster story.
The Brand Flip: Tangible ↻ Immaterial
Aug 24, 2015
In this excerpt from The Brand Flip: Why customers now run companies and how to profit from it, Marty Neumeier explains that industry is undergoing a massive migration from a material-based economy to a digital one. A product becomes a symbol and the symbol becomes the product, which can offer tremendous value as a building block in a customer's personal identity.
Generating Demand for Your Creative Services
Jan 1, 2013
Marketing is a lot more than just being available to the market. By sharing fresh ideas, sharing your unique attributes and leadership, building a brand that’s memorable and meaningful, and putting it into action, you’ll draw a crowd instead of just standing out in one.
10 Ways to Build a Following on Google+
Aug 13, 2012
Google+ is a terrific social network for photographers to connect with clients, fans, and others who share their love of the visual arts. Colby Brown should know. The author of Google+ for Photographers has built a huge following on Google+. He shares 10 of the best ideas he has learned from his experience - expertise that can help you to build your own network, hang out with great new friends, and get your photography noticed.
Search Engine Advertising: Your Marketing Campaign Foundation
Jun 3, 2009
The authors of Search Engine Advertising show you how to build a strong marketing plan and campaign foundation using a live campaign to illustrate both the strategic and tactical elements of a search marketing campaign.
The Weapons: Visual Lies, Manufactured Needs
Apr 20, 2009
No longer just a product enhancement, branding became the commodity. Our ability to transmit information and products to new markets has never been less expensive or more immediate. David B. Berman looks at the state of branding and design.
Online Community Handbook: Member Recruitment
Mar 26, 2009
Learn some ways that you can design your community and website to be user magnets, attracting traffic while you sit back and watch the population grow. Also learn how to run successful recruitment campaigns and how to convert casual website visitors into loyal members.
Can You Control Your Brand, or Just Share It?
Jan 20, 2009
Joel Postman discusses social media implications to the corporate brand, including the definition of brand, and whether a company can control its brand, manage it, share it, or must give it over to the whims of consumers.
Today's Consumer: Can We Chat?
Feb 1, 2008
Authors Kelly Mooney and Nita Rollins explain how online social networking has changed forever the way we buy, shop, and sell.
How to Create a Landing Page That Sells
Nov 16, 2007
Authors Lance Loveday and Sandra Niehaus show you how to turn landing pages into powerful strategic weapons that enhance financial returns and give you a competitive edge.
The Brand Gap: Innovate
Jan 12, 2007
Innovation is both coveted and feared in the business world. So how can your company be innovative if security and conformity are more widely accepted? Marty Neumeier looks at common elements of innovation and offers his take on taking the road less traveled.
Find Your Identity: How to Design a Logo That Suits Your Business
Jan 5, 2007
A successful logo can't be just creative or clever. Because a logo ends up being an important guest at many occasions, it absolutely must perform and behave well no matter what. In this sample chapter, you'll learn what makes a good logo and how to design one that's right your business.
Nov 20, 2006
Logos & Identity
Nov 20, 2006
Ten Quick Ways to Improve Your Business Blog
Oct 6, 2006
Business blogs can be brilliant, bubbly, brash—but many are just boring. You need to separate your blog from the masses of text out there, get readers to notice, and keep them coming back for more. How? Follow Meryl Evans' 10 quick tips.
Before and After Graphics for Business: Creating a Successful Logo
Sep 29, 2006
A successful logo can’t be just creative or clever. Because a logo ends up being an important guest at many occasions, it absolutely must perform and behave well no matter what. It is a tricky balancing act, but one that you can achieve. All you have to do is consider what makes a logo effective. Make sure your design follows these guidelines.
The Brand Gap: Why You Must Innovate
Aug 25, 2006
A combination of good strategy and poor execution is like a Ferrari with flat tires. It looks good in the specs, but fails on the street. This is the case for at least half the brand communication done today. And it’s probably the fault of execution, not strategy. Execution-- read creativity--is the most difficult part of the branding mix to control. It’s magic, not logic, that ignites passion in customers.

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