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Text in QuarkExpress 8
Apr 27, 2009
Learn how to create text boxes, import text, link boxes, modify text boxes, check spelling, and use search and replace in QuarkExpress 8.
Text Variables in Adobe InDesign CS3
Feb 17, 2009
Text variables in InDesign provide a way for you to insert text that can change depending on various factors, such as times, dates, and page references. Olav Martin Kvern and David Blatner discuss them here in this excerpt from their book.
Textures and Patterns in Photoshop CS
May 13, 2004
Barry Haynes and Wendy Crumpler show you how to create interesting texture effects using Fill layers along with adjustment layers and Blend modes, Texture channels, the Texturizer filter, and the Pattern Maker.
Texturing Characters
Oct 5, 2001
Texture plays an important part in how a final image looks: With poor texturing, even the best model will look just average. George Maestri shows you two major ways to create texture in this article.
The [digital] Camera for 3D Artists
Dec 20, 2002
This sample chapter takes a not-so-technical journey through basic camera principles, all of which can be used in the digital realm.
The 46 Rules of Genius: Rule 18: Don't Be Boring
Jun 11, 2014
The element of surprise is the most powerful weapon in the creative arsenal. It confounds our expectations and rivets our attention. It makes competing stimuli fade into the background as we focus on what suddenly seems important.
The 46 Rules of Genius: Rule 29: Invest in Your Originality
Aug 21, 2014
Originality is the ability to dream, to disassociate your thoughts from the linear and logical and end up someplace new. And like many skills that were once thought to be inborn, it must be learned.
The 46 Rules of Genius: Rule 4: See What's Not There
Jun 9, 2014
To find out what’s not there, look for the job not done, the road not taken, the product not made. These are the magic glasses that let you see the invisible and conceive the inconceivable. 
The 46 Rules of Genius: Rule 6: Frame Problems Tightly
Jun 10, 2014
Learn what geniuses have discovered throughout the centuries: A problem well-framed is a problem half-solved.
The Adobe Digital Publishing Suite (DPS) Single Edition Workflow
Jul 1, 2013
Everyone these days seems to be curious about what the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite is and how it can be used to create apps for devices like Apple iPad. Adobe expert Brian Wood offers an overview of what it takes to make an app using Adobe DPS Single Edition.
The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers: Choosing the Right Process Version
Dec 16, 2010
If you have RAW images you edited in earlier versions of Camera Raw, and you open them in CS5, you’ll have a choice to make. In this excerpt from The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers, Scott Kelby shows you how to choose the right process version.
The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers: The Other Secret to Getting Pro-Quality Prints that Match Your Screen
Dec 16, 2010
Most inkjet paper manufacturers now create custom profiles for their papers, and you can usually download them free from their websites. Does this really make that big a difference? Ask any pro. In this excerpt from The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers, Scott Kelby shows you how to find and install these profiles.
The Big Digital Photo Fixx
Jun 27, 2003
Make your less-than-perfect digital pictures look fabulous with a little tweaking in Photoshop. You will learn all the tricks to making your digital photos look like professional-grade, hiding your true amateur skills and impressing all your friends.
The Brand Gap: Innovate
Jan 12, 2007
Innovation is both coveted and feared in the business world. So how can your company be innovative if security and conformity are more widely accepted? Marty Neumeier looks at common elements of innovation and offers his take on taking the road less traveled.
The Building Blocks of UI Design with Adobe Illustrator
Aug 23, 2012
This chapter takes a look at the basic features that Illustrator provides for the building blocks of UI design.
The Business Playground: Idea Spaghetti
Aug 10, 2010
If coming up with many ideas -- ‘idea spaghetti’ -- is such an important driver, the question is: ‘What helps make a lot of spaghetti?’ The answer, it turns out, is not just having a big pasta pot to cook it in (though that helps), but instead the ability to think divergently.
The Color Thief: Stealing Colors Using Illustrator CS3's LiveTrace
Jun 8, 2007
Adobe Ambassador Mike McHugh wants you to get excited about color. In this colorful article, he shows you how to create swatches in Adobe's Creative Suite 3 using Adobe Illustrator's new LiveColor tool.
The Complete Manual of Typography: About Fonts
Aug 17, 2011
Working with fonts forces you to learn more about your computer than you probably want, but everything you need to know is in this chapter.
The Design Review: Learning How to Accept Feedback
May 25, 2011
Have you ever been eviscerated in a design review? Laura Ward, Design Manager at PayPal, explains why, instead of getting mad or upset, you should use a design review as an opportunity to be curious, solicit feedback, and get better.
The Digital Darkroom in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Apr 30, 2009
Learn about blending modes, dodging and burning by hand, using history to make adjustments, and soft-proofing an image for print.

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