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Publishers of technology books, eBooks, and videos for creative people
Robin Williams has written dozens of best-selling and award-winning books, including The Little Mac Book; The Non-Designer's Design Book; Robin Williams Mac OS X Book; Mac OS X Tiger: Peachpit Learning Series; Robin Williams Web Design Workshop; and many more. Through her writing, teaching, and seminars, Robin has educated and influenced an entire generation of computer users in the areas of design, typography, desktop publishing, the Mac, and the web.
John Tollett has coauthored numerous books with Robin, including The Robin Williams Mac OS X Book, Panther Edition; three editions of The Non-Designer's Web Book; Cool Mac Apps; Robin Williams Web Design Workshop; and Macs on the Go! John has over 30 years' experience working as a professional designer and illustrator. Mos of his current projects involve web design, digital video production and editing and DVD design.