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How Many Pixels Are Enough? A Guide to Choosing a Digital Camera
Jun 21, 2002
The first thing people want to know about a digital camera is "how many pixels does it have?" To help you decide how many pixels you need (and how much money you need to spend to get those pixels), read this sample chapter.
How Quark Finally Got It Right
Dec 22, 2006
Inspiration. Innovation. Customer focus. Leading the market. These are not terms most people would use to describe Quark even a year ago. But QuarkXPress 7 is a shocker: it's so far beyond any previous release that you have to wonder what changed at Quark (the company). Jay Nelson digs into the recent changes at Quark to find out how they did it and what they're thinking.
How Scott Kelby Saved a Sorry Looking Landscape Shot Using His 7-Point System
Nov 16, 2007
Best-selling Photoshop author Scott Kelby can fix any photo with his revolutionary 7-Point System for Adobe Photoshop CS3. In this sample chapter, he works his magic on a less-than-lovely landscape shot.
How to Add A Quick Border In Photoshop Elements 6
Sep 25, 2007
You can give your photos a professional finish by adding a white or colored border to them. The technique is so easy, you’ll want to do it for all of your photos. The Adobe Creative Team shows you how.
How to Adjust Your Printer Settings to Get Great Photos
Apr 13, 2007
Photo printers have a number of options available to assist with getting top-notch photo prints, but they don't always make the choices clear. This chapter covers how to select the correct options in your printer driver. If you've ever been frustrated trying to figure out your printer driver options or you just couldn't get a print that looked right, this chapter is for you.
How To Back Up And Keep Your Lightroom Images Safe
May 2, 2008
Accidents happen. So do viruses. Are you prepared? Martin Evening gives a brief review of the backup options in Lightroom to help you (hopefully) prevent or at least recover from trouble.
How to Batch Process Files in Photoshop Elements 3
Aug 12, 2005
There are dozens of image file formats out there, but when you're working in Photoshop Elements, you really only want to be working with JPEGs and TIFFs. This article explains how to convert a large number of image files to the proper format using Photoshop Elements 3.
How to Blow Minds, Rock Worlds, and Generate Truly Innovative Ideas
Nov 28, 2012
Callahan Creek Creative Director and Creative Boot Camp author Stefan Mumaw explores the genesis of truly innovative ideas and lays down the creative process so that you can generate more of them for yourself.
How to Create a Landing Page That Sells
Nov 16, 2007
Authors Lance Loveday and Sandra Niehaus show you how to turn landing pages into powerful strategic weapons that enhance financial returns and give you a competitive edge.
How to Create a Million-Dollar Movie on a Thousand-Dollar Budget
Oct 29, 2004
Gerald Everett Jones provides some money-saving tips to aspiring filmmakers everywhere.
How to Create a Newsletter Using Connected and Disconnected Text Frames in FrameMaker 6
Nov 16, 2001
In this article, you find out how to get FrameMaker text flowing in the right direction every time you create a newsletter.
How to Create a Novelty Slideshow Template in Lightroom 2
Aug 1, 2008
Photo slideshows don't have to be a yawn. Martin Evening shares a technique he devised for creating a slideshow template in Lightroom 2 with an "old-fashioned TV" look for a series of black-and-white shots. You can apply this trick in zillions of different ways to suit your own slideshows.
How to Create Basic Shapes in Illustrator CS
Oct 27, 2006
Many objects in the Adobe Illustrator program can be created by starting with basic shapes and then editing them to create new shapes. In this lesson, you'll use some basic shapes to create a logo. Along the way, you'll learn how to use tools and commands to create basic shapes, copy and combine objects to create new shapes, paint objects, and more.
How to Create Flexible Documents in Photoshop CS2
Sep 16, 2005
Flexible? Learn the true power of flexibility as you create layered Photoshop documents that offer a high level of control and the ability to easily change your mind. Dave Cross focuses on "nondestructive" ways of working in Photoshop that give you the best combination of creativity and flexibility.
How to Create Page Layouts in GoLive CS2
Oct 13, 2006
In this self-paced, step-by-step lesson, excerpted from our best-selling Classroom in a Book series, you'll learn how to create HTML page layouts using a variety of GoLive methods, including the GoLive CS2 layout grid, HTML tables, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) layers, and liquid layouts.
How to Create Realistic 3D Shadows
Aug 18, 2006
Setting up shadows takes just as much time and attention as setting up lights. You can think of all of your illumination as one half of your lighting design, and shadows as the other, equally important half. Shadows can add richness to the tones and shading of your image, tie elements together, and improve your composition. Besides their artistic importance, rendering shadows is a key technical area to master. This chapter will explore both the visual and the technical sides of shadows and occlusion in 3D graphics.
How to Create Scripts for Online Forms with Adobe LiveCycle Designer
Oct 5, 2007
Digital forms expert J.P. Terry shows you how to improve the functionality and usability of your online forms through scripting.
How to Design Flash Pages for Google
Mar 10, 2006
Google is now indexing Flash content! James Gonzalez tells you how to determine which Flash content Google is actually indexing and how to optimize this content to achieve better rankings in Google's search results.
How to Edit Metadata and Target Photos in Lightroom
May 23, 2008
Often you'll want to edit the metadata for a bunch of images at once. But sometimes you'd like to be able to skim along through a selection and tweak the metadata for individual photos as you go. Martin Evening shows how to use a Lightroom 1.1 feature to edit metadata for individual images within a selection.
How to Find Customers Online
Apr 27, 2001
This article from Creating Stores on the Web shows you how to find customers on the Usenet, mailing lists, and online forums; how to post messages that will make people aware of your store; and what might hurt your customer acquisition efforts.

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